Star Wars: Conquest

Star Wars: Conquest Gregory Keyes


Star Wars: Conquest (Edge of Victory #1)

The New Jedi Order

No longer content with the destruction the Yuuzhan Vong have already sown, Warmaster Tsavong Lah has demanded the heads of all the Jedi. Now the Jedi Knights are in terrible danger—and none more so than the young students at the Jedi academy on Yavin 4. Already the sympathizers known as the Peace Brigade are in the Yavin system—and a Yuuzhan Vong fleet is not far behind.

At Luke Skywalker's request, Talon Karrde mounts an expedition to rescue the young students. Anakin Solo has his own ideas. Impatient, and figuring that forgiveness is easier to come by than permission, he takes off for Yavin 4 in his X-wing.

When it comes to confidence, courage, and raw Force talent, Anakin has few peers. But when his friend Tahiri is separated from the other academy kids and captured by the Yuuzhan Vong, even Anakin may be in over his head. For the aliens have a different future in mind for Tahiri, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their horrific ends…

Aventura / Drama / Fantasia / Ficção científica

Edições (2)

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Edge of Victory: Conquest
Star Wars: Conquest


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Resenhas para Star Wars: Conquest (1)

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on 24/6/23

Primeira leitura: 2011 Releitura: 2023. 3.5/5 O foco do livro definitivamente é o Anakin e os jedi. Os jedi agora estão sendo caçados pelos Yuuzhan Vong, que prometeram paz e recompensas para o resto da galáxia se os entregarem. E é qual o alvo mais fácil? A academia em Yavin IV, onde só tem praticamente criança e uns dois mestres tomando conta (porque o resto tá tudo espalhado preocupado com a invasão). Anakin resolve ir sozinho resgatar o povo (pois gado) já que a melhor am... leia mais


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ranking 17
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cadastrou em:
02/02/2010 15:21:03
João Vicente
editou em:
09/10/2017 19:55:15

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