Stalked by the Alien Assassin

Stalked by the Alien Assassin Tiffany Roberts


Stalked by the Alien Assassin

An alien assassin. A tempting human female he can't resist. But what can a killer offer to the woman he longs to claim? Avery Watson moved to Denver to escape her controlling mother. Sure, it's not easy, and she has to budget every penny, but it's honest work. Plus, her new friends don't care if she doesn't wear makeup, don't glare at her if she laughs too loud or snorts, don't judge her if she geeks out about books and games. For the first time, she's content. And then she meets the tall, long-haired, sexy as sin Hunter Coleman. This powerful, mysterious man isn't the sort that small, freckled, awkward women like Avery usually attract. But apparently one slice of cherry pie is all it takes to draw his attention to her. Now his dark, intense eyes follow her every move. She should be worried, but he makes her feel safe. He makes her feel...wanted. Yet Hunter is even more dangerous than he seems, and he's not a man at all. He's a red-eyed alien assassin with claws, fangs, and a tail, a ruthless warrior with a shadowy past who wants Avery to be his. He's everything Avery should fear-he's everything she desires. And he'll stop at nothing to make her his lifemate. There's just one problem-he's not the only alien targeting her, and his rivals don't seem to have Avery's best interests in mind. --- Stalked by the Alien Assassin is a 155k word slow burn romance with plenty of steam.Warning: It is a little darker compared to the previous books in this series, and does contain violence.

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on 15/5/23

Esse é o segundo livro da série Alien Among Us dessa autora. Eu tinha liso o primeiro livro o gostei muito mas confesso que esse me decepcionou um pouco.? O livro conta a história da Avery uma garçonete geek, aspirante a escritora e uma leitora ávida e do Fyran, um alien cujo a única coisa que lhe interessa é lutar e se livrar de inimigos. Protagonista feminina-> 2,5/5 (razoável) A Avery foi no geral uma protagonista bem genérica, muito diferente da protagonista do livro 1 dessa série... leia mais


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