Sputnik Sweetheart

Sputnik Sweetheart Haruki Murakami


Sputnik Sweetheart

The heroine of the novel is an aspiring author named Sumire, who falls in love with an older woman, Miu, who appears to like Sumire for certain qualities, though she has no time for Sumire's aspirations and ideals. The third character is the unnamed narrator, an elementary school teacher, referred to twice by Sumire only as 'K', who is in love with Sumire, though Sumire does not requite his feelings.
While Sumire is an emotional and spontaneous individual who often appears to be a misfit in society, "K", the narrator, is a person who has through sheer force of will moulded himself into another person, one who integrates seamlessly into the wider society and culture around him, and the transition leaves him emotionally stunted and unable to express his feelings. When Sumire is also, through her interaction with Miu, forcibly shaped into a person other than she is, the transformation is neither permanent nor successful, and Sumire disappears without ever being found or seen again while holidaying with Miu in Greece, with tragic, haunting consequences for Miu in particular.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (4)

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Sputnik Sweetheart
Sputnik Sweetheart
Sputnik Sweetheart
Sputnik Sweetheart


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Algo tirado de um sonho
on 23/2/23

É a segunda vez que leio este livro, mas ainda me é impossível chegar a uma conclusão no que diz respeito ao final e a vários outros aspetos que se vão acumulando ao longo da obra. Mas surpreendentemente não destaco isto como sendo algo negativo. A prosa de Murakami e os temas que aborda nesta obra garantem à história um tom irreal, como se fosse algo saído de um sonho ou que sugere algo relacionado com backrooms. É impossível explicar a quem nunca leu o quão única é esta história.... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 75
ranking 36
ranking 45
ranking 16
ranking 3
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
09/02/2011 23:16:51

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