Souls Unfractured

Souls Unfractured Tillie Cole


Souls Unfractured (Hades Hangmen #3)

For fractured souls are like magnets.

Drawn to collide into an impossible bliss...

Labeled a ‘Cursed’ woman of Eve from birth, Maddie has endured nothing but pain and repression at the hands of The Order’s most abusive elder, Moses. Now living with her sister in The Hangmen’s secluded compound, finally, Maddie, is free. Free from the suffocating faith she no longer believes in. Free from endless years of physical and mental torment.

Just… free…

At age twenty-one, the timid and shy Maddie is content to live within the confines of her new home—safe from the outside world, safe from harm and, strangely, protected by the Hangmen’s most volatile member; the heavily pierced and tattooed, Flame.


The man who ceaselessly watches over her with his midnight dark and searing eyes. The man who protects her with a breath-taking intensity. And the man who stirs something deep within her numbed heart.

But when circumstances conspire for Flame to need HER help, Maddie bravely risks it all for the broken man who has captivated her fragile soul.

The Hangmen’s most infamous member, Flame, is ruled by one thing—anger. Plagued by haunting demons from his past, an all-consuming rage, and isolated by an abhorrent hatred of being touched, Flame's days are filled with suffocating darkness, pierced only by a single ray of light—Maddie. The shy, beautiful woman he cannot purge from his thoughts. The woman he has an overwhelming need to possess…
... the only person who has ever been able to touch him.

Flame’s mission in life is to protect Maddie, to keep her safe. Until a trigger from his troubled past sends him spiraling into madness, trapping him in the deepest recesses of his disturbed mind.

His Hangmen brothers fear that Flame is beyond saving.

His only hope of salvation: Maddie and her healing light.

* Dark Contemporary Romance.
** Contains explicit sexual situations, violence, disturbingly sensitive and taboo subjects, offensive language, and very mature topics.
*** Recommended for age 18 years and over.

Erótico / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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on 28/6/20

ainda tô tentando organizar direito as palavras pra descrever o que senti lendo esse livro... da mesma forma que o flame se apaixonou pela maddie quando ela saiu da cela, eu me apaixonei por eles. já imaginei que iria sofrer bastante durante a leitura, mas não dessa forma. eu só queria proteger o flame de tudo. eu estava ciente dos gatilhos, mas ler as cenas que ele narrava da infância com o pai me quebraram, eu chorei do início ao fim. a tillie soube lidar com os problemas de ambos ... leia mais


Avaliações 4.6 / 853
ranking 72
ranking 21
ranking 5
ranking 2
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
26/07/2015 01:26:17
editou em:
12/12/2017 22:16:18

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