Silent Music

Silent Music Kate Lord Brown


Silent Music

a sweepingly romantic tale of love and survival from the author of The Perfume Garden (English Editi...

Three marriages, two weddings, one affair which threatens them all. Is it ever too late for happily ever after?

A woman in 1960s New York struggles to place duty before passion, when her son's wedding plans throw the limitation of her marriage and apparently perfect life into the spotlight.

1939 HONG KONG. Ballet dancer Tess is seventeen. She is unsure about marrying naval officer Kit, but she is pregnant and feels she has no choice but to go ahead with the marriage.

1961 MANHATTAN. Ballet teacher Tess leads a seemingly idyllic, gilded Upper East life with her husband in their penthouse overlooking Central Park. But Kit asks for a divorce the night before their son announces his marriage. Just as her son's life is beginning, it feels like her youthful dreams and potential have come to nothing. Kit tells Tess they must pretend everything is normal until after Bobby's wedding. But can Tess play the part of a lifetime - that of a good wife?

Praise for Kate Lord Brown:


'This love story is full of hope, fulfilled dreams and life.' Netgalley review

'An enjoyable, thoughtful and important read.' Netgalley

'A beautifully written tale about a repressed wife who longs to follow her dreams. Achingly sad at times but wonderfully joyous at others.
Twists and turns throughout the whole story kept me hooked until the very last page.' Netgalley

'Tense and heart wrenching ... A woman in the 60’s finding her feet in a world that wants to keep her in a neat little box. A timely read about how women have been pushing against those tight boundaries for generations. And sometimes succeeding.' Netgalley

'Jam packed with all the complexities that come with falling in and out of love.' Netgalley

'Fortunately, Kate Lord Brown is the author of five previous novels for those readers, like me, who did not want Silent Music to end!' Netgalley


`A wonderful, escapist, nostalgic read.' --Red
`An authentic and moving novel.' --The Lady


If I could have given this book 11/10 I would have done so. --Novelicious

Sweepingly romantic … heartbreaking at times; a vivid, gripping read --Katherine Webb, author of The Legacy

"At its core, this is a love story celebrating both romantic and parental love, a tale that fans of romantic women's fiction will enjoy." --Booklist

"The Perfume Garden swept me along with its interlinked stories of love and loss, heroism and hope. Beautifully written and researched this is an intensely atmospheric read, and a hugely enjoyable one." --Isabel Wolff, international bestselling author of A Vintage Affair

"I found myself bewitched by The Perfume Garden ... a deliciously winding narrative that takes us into the heart of battle, the locked rooms of family secrets, and the alluring promise of finally finding true love." --Good Housekeeping (UK)

"The novel is beautifully constructed, with the characters' individual experiences gradually weaving together, and the events of the past unfolding to reveal aftershocks in Emma's present... Brown's pacing is exquisite, revealing each twist slowly and deliberately, leaving you gripped to the end." --The Bookseller (UK)


"Brown brings a cinematic sensibility to her writing, making the long-ago exploits of Fry and his cohorts pulse with life, with an ever-present sense of danger looming overhead. There is much to admire about this novel and its strong cast of characters, most of all its portrayal of the cost--and legacy--of real courage." --Booklist (starred review)


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Silent Music



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22/02/2023 16:35:21
editou em:
22/02/2023 16:35:59

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