Shoot the Messenger

Shoot the Messenger Pippa DaCosta


Shoot the Messenger (The Messenger Chronicles #1)

A new space fantasy reverse harem series where the guys are hot, the perils are many, and one rebel messenger holds the key to the survival of the human race.

Lies aren't her only weapons against the fae...

In the Halow system, one of Earth’s three sister star systems, tek and magic—humans and fae—are at war.

Kesh Lasota is a ghost in the machine. Invisible to tek, she’s hired by the criminal underworld to carry illegal messages through the Halow system. But when one of those messages kills its recipient, Kesh finds herself on the run with a bounty on her head and a quick-witted marshal on her tail.

Proving her innocence should be straightforward. Until a warfae steals the evidence she needs. The fae haven’t been seen in Halow in over a thousand years. And this one—a brutally efficient killer able to wield tek—should not exist. But neither should Kesh.

As Kesh’s carefully crafted lie of a life crumbles around her, she knows being invisible is no longer an option. To hunt the warfae, to stop him from destroying a thousand-year fragile peace, she must resurrect the horrors of her past.

Kesh Lasota was a ghost. Now she’s back, and there’s only one thing she knows for certain: Nobody shoots the messenger and gets away with it.

IMPORTANT: The Messenger series is a reverse harem. The harem elements develop during the series. This series does NOT feature a love triangle.

Fantasia / Ficção científica / Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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Shoot the Messenger


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Resenha: Shoot the Messenger
on 16/6/20

Shoot the Messenger tem um enredo intrigante e elementos bem legais de ficção científica misturado com a magia de fadas. Tem bastante ação também, principalmente logo no início do livro, e apresenta esse universo de uma maneira bem interessante. Os personagens também são maravilhosos. Eles tem um ar de suspense e mistério e a DaCosta revela certas informações ao leitor pedaço por pedaço. Essa descoberta devagar sobre a história de cada personagem é bem legal e um recurso bem usado p... leia mais


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17/03/2018 07:44:58

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