She Comes First

She Comes First Ian Kerner


She Comes First

The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman

As women everywhere will attest, when it comes to understanding female sexuality, most guys know more about what's under the hood of a car than under the hood of a clitoris. And while it seems that men have struggled valiantly since the dawn of time to find ways to reliably elicit the female orgasm, rare is the guy who has the modesty to ask: "What do I do?" Ironically, the answer has always been right there on the tip of his tongue.

Welcome to the world of She Comes First, where the mystery of female satisfaction is solved and the tongue is proven mightier than the sword. According to Ian Kerner, clinical sexologist and evangelist of the female orgasm, oral sex has long been deemed an optional aspect of foreplay, but, in fact, it's coreplay -- simply the best way for leading a woman through the entire process of sexual response.

Fun, informative, and easy to read, She Comes First is a virtual encyclopedia of female pleasure, detailing dozens of tried-and-true techniques for consistently satisfying a woman and illustrated step-by-step instructions to ensure success. These simple methods represent a new era in sexual intimacy, one in which the exchange of pleasure occurs on a level playing field and fulfillment is mutual.

She Comes First exuberantly offers a fresh new sexual philosophy that inspires every man to make a mantra of Rhett Butler's infamous line to Scarlett O'Hara, "You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how."

Sexo e Sexologia

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She Comes First


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on 13/2/19

Meu namorado me apresentou esse livro. Recebi a indicação com desconfiança e resolvi ler para ter certeza de que as informações propostas se aplicariam a mim e ao nosso relacionamento. Foi uma grata surpresa! O livro contém preciosas indicações sobre anatomia e fisiologia femininas e põe muita ênfase no respeito ao processo natural de excitação da mulher em oposição a técnicas mecânicas. Deveria ser leitura obrigatória no curso de formação de homens heterossexuais! Mas também se pr... leia mais


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27/01/2012 18:36:37
editou em:
03/09/2017 14:07:55