Sexo en Nueva York

Sexo en Nueva York Candace Bushnell


Sexo en Nueva York

Una obra irnica y despiadada, que ha dado lugar a una exitosa serie televisiva. He aqu los hbitos cotidianos y sexuales de una galera de personajes sorprendentes, duros y divertidos a la vez, en una obra que expone sin contemplaciones los odios, las envidias y los sentimientos que se dan en ciertos crculos sociales. Entre ellos encontramos a Carrie, quinta esencia de la mujer problemtica, joven escritora que busca el amor donde no debe; o Samantha Jones, la cuarentona productora de cine, cuya generacin conoce de sobra la efmera naturaleza de la belleza y la juventud... sin olvidarnos de los hombres que solo se acuestan con modelos perfectas y neurticas, o de aquellos fanticos de las bicis y las mochilas que se niegan a comportarse como adultos. Una obra irnica y despiadada, que ha dado lugar a una exitosa serie televisiva. La crtica ha dicho... La periodista Candace Bushnell desvela, con humor y sin tapujos, los hbitos sexuales de los neoyorquinos. El Peridico Fascinante... Divertida... Bienvenido al cruel planeta que es Manhattan. Los Angeles Times ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Sex and the City--the original stories that started it all--now available as an eBook!/p> Sex and the City is a fantastic and sometimes terrifying foray into the hearts, minds, and mating habits of modern-day New Yorkers. Traveling in packs from lavish parties to high-end clubs, Bushnell's vividly candid characters live out the never-ending search for the perfect relationship. Bushnell's firsthand commentary on the behavior of the rich and famous is by turns witty and shocking, and always boldly true. In these pages you will meet "Carrie," the young writer looking for love in all the wrong places; "Samantha Jones," the successful proto-cougar who approaches sex just like a man; and "Mr. Big," the captain of industry who jumps from one bed to the next. Equal parts soap opera, gossip page, sociological study, and dating manual, Sex and the City, Candace Bushnell's former New York Observer column, has attracted a cult following and been adapted into two major motion pictures and one of the most popular TV series of our time. This is the groundbreaking work that both decoded and shaped a culture and a generation.

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