Seven Stones to Stand or Fall: A Collection of Outlander Fiction (English Edition)

Seven Stones to Stand or Fall: A Collection of Outlander Fiction (English Edition) Diana Gabaldon


Seven Stones to Stand or Fall: A Collection of Outlander Fiction (English Edition)

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A magnificent collection of Outlander short fictionincluding two never-before-published novellasfeaturing Jamie Fraser, Lord John Grey, Master Raymond, and many more, from Diana Gabaldon Among the seven spellbinding pieces there is The Custom of the Army, which begins with Lord John Grey being shocked by an electric eel and ends at the Battle of Quebec. Then comes The Space Between, where it is revealed that the Comte St. Germain is not dead, Master Raymond appears, and a widowed young wine dealer escorts a would-be novice to a convent in Paris. In A Plague of Zombies, Lord John unexpectedly becomes military governor of Jamaica when the original governor is gnawed by what probably wasnt a giant rat. A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows is the moving story of Roger MacKenzies parents during World War II. In Virgins, Jamie Fraser, aged nineteen, and Ian Murray, aged twenty, become mercenaries in France, no matter that neither has yet bedded a lass or killed a man. But theyre trying. . . . A Fugitive Green is the story of Lord Johns elder brother, Hal, and a seventeen-year-old rare book dealer with a sideline in theft, forgery, and blackmail. And finally, in Besieged, Lord John learns that his mother is in Havanaand that the British Navy is on their way to lay siege to the city. Filling in mesmerizing chapters in the lives of characters readers have followed over the course of thousands of pages, Gabaldons genius is on full display throughout this must-have collection. Gabaldon is in fine form . . . weaving together characters lives, connecting plot points, and showing tantalizing glimpses of the larger Outlander world, of which this reader can never get enough.Historical Novels Review

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Seven Stones to Stand or Fall: A Collection of Outlander Fiction (English Edition)


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on 2/2/22

É possível amar mais os spin off do que os livros em si? Adoro os livros de outlander mas eles são muito grandes e normalmente eu me perco um pouco na história ? amo esses menores. O único defeito é o livro ser de contos em épocas totalmente diferentes e em ordem aleatoria no livro. Melhor pra quem já leu todos os outlanders. Eu tentei ler em ordem cronológica então fiquei indo e voltando no livro e parando por meses pra terminar o livro principal. No final desisti e li os últimos dois... leia mais


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