Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick

Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick Philip K. Dick


Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick

Features twenty-one stories from the well-known science fiction writer, including "Beyond Lies the Wub," " The Days of Perky Pat," and "The Electric Ant." Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick contains twenty-one of Dick’s most dazzling and resonant stories, which span his entire career and show a world-class writer working at the peak of his powers.

In “The Days of Perky Pat,” people spend their time playing with dolls who manage to live an idyllic life no longer available to the Earth’s real inhabitants. “Adjustment Team” looks at the fate of a man who by mistake has stepped out of his own time. In “Autofac,” one community must battle benign machines to take back control of their lives. And in “I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon,” we follow the story of one man whose very reality may be nothing more than a nightmare. The collection also includes such classic stories as “The Minority Report,” the basis for the Steven Spielberg movie, and “We Can Remember It for You Wholesale,” the basis for the film Total Recall. With an introduction by Jonathan Lethem, Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick is a magnificent distillation of one of American literature's most searching imaginations.

Philip K. Dick was a master of science fiction, but he was also a writer whose work transcended genre to examine the nature of reality and what it means to be human. A writer of great complexity and subtle humor, his work belongs on the shelf of great twentieth-century literature, next to Kafka and Vonnegut. Collected here are twenty-one of Dick's most dazzling and resonant stories, which span his entire career and show a world-class writer working at the peak of his powers.

A brilliant, idiosyncratic, formidably intelligent writer . . . Dick illuminates. He casts light. He gives off a radiance. Washington Post
A terrific cross-section of Dick s shorter fiction . . . essential for new fans. The Onion A.V. Club

Contos / Ficção científica / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick



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03/02/2021 07:36:07
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