Selected for the Shifters

Selected for the Shifters Sakura Black


Selected for the Shifters (Fae Mate Hunt #1)

A Spicy Monster Romance

Mondays usually suck, but this one really took the biscuit.

A hot dream about an even hotter fae left me with a strange mark. No, it wasn’t an STD. Instead, it might as well have been a death sentence.

I’d never been picked for so much as a raffle prize in my life, but somehow, I’d been Selected.

Nobody knew why the fae picked certain humans, or what happened to those they took, but the government had signed away our right to complain in exchange for peace. We knew two things—nobody escaped and nobody returned.

So, what’s a girl to do when she’s picked for a magical kidnapping? Get comfy with denial, of course. Then get kidnapped. Because you can’t outrun the fae hunters. Trust me, I tried.

All this hoo-ha lands me in Faerie, running for my life in a mysterious Hunt.

In a see-through dress.

Now, monsters are chasing me through an enchanted forest, and I’m not sure I want to know what happens if I’m caught. That is, until a delightfully terrifying pack of fae wolf shifters corners me like prey.

They look fiercely hungry.

But not for food.

*This 16k word spicy short story novella is the first book in the Fae Mate Hunt series, so please mind the slight cliff (now a complete series). This adult monster romance is intended for mature audiences. It’s a hot, fast-burn, why choose reverse harem story. More love interests for the heroine are introduced throughout the series.
Contains swearing, mild violence and steamy scenes with multiple partners, incl. mm elements and magical fae males (because monsters need love too). If you have delicate sensibilities, maybe give this one a hard swerve...

Note: This title was previously released as Selected for the Werewolves and has since been significantly edited but the overall story remains the same.

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Edições (1)

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Selected for the Shifters



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Avaliações 2.7 / 11
ranking 9
ranking 18
ranking 45
ranking 9
ranking 18



cadastrou em:
04/11/2022 19:39:11
editou em:
04/11/2022 19:40:22

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