Seer of Sevenwaters

Seer of Sevenwaters Juliet Marillier


Seer of Sevenwaters

Sibeal has always known that she is destined for a spiritual life, and is committed to it with all her heart. The only thing left for her to do before she enters the nemetons is to spend the summer visiting her sisters, Muirrin and Clodagh, on the northern island of Inis Eala.

But Sibeal has barely set foot on the island before a freak storm out at sea sinks a ship before her eyes. In spite of frantic efforts, only three survivors are fished alive from the water, and one of them, a man Sibeal names Ardal, clings to life by the merest thread.

Life continues on the island, as it must, and Sibeal befriends Ardal as he begins to regain his health. But it becomes clear there is something unusual about the three shipwrecked strangers. Why won't the beautiful Svala speak? And what is it that the gravely ill Ardal can't remember – or won't tell? When a visiting warrior is found dead at the bottom of a cliff, and an attempt is made on Ardal's life, Sibeal finds herself a pawn in a deadly game. The truth will be far more astonishing than she could ever have believed – and the consequences for Sibeal unimaginable.


Edições (2)

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Seer of Sevenwaters
Seer of Sevenwaters


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Resenhas para Seer of Sevenwaters (3)

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Muito bom, um dos melhores

Depois do desastre que foi A Herdeira de Sevenwaters, Juliet retoma a história, dessa vez com a Sibeal, que foi uma protagonista que me cativou bem mais que a Clodagh. O enredo foi BEM diferente dos livros anteriores, o que eu gostei MUITO, pq tava sentido que a autora tava só "repetindo" um mesmo padrão de história, mudando pequenas coisas. Dessa vez, os protagonistas tem uma dinâmica bem própria e não se assemelha em nada, nada aos outros livros, GOSTEI BASTANTE dessa mudança de are... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.4 / 14
ranking 71
ranking 21
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ranking 7



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24/10/2010 22:57:24

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