Secrets of a Summer Night

Secrets of a Summer Night Lisa Kleypas


Secrets of a Summer Night (Wallflowers #1)

The Wallflowers

Four young ladies at the side of the ballroom make a pact to help each other find husbands . . . no matter what it takes

Proud and beautiful Annabelle Peyton could have her pick of suitorsif only she had a dowry. Her family is on the brink of disaster, and the only way Annabelle can save them is to marry a wealthy man. Unfortunately her most persistent admirer is the brash Simon Hunt, a handsome and ambitious entrepreneur who wants her as his mistress.

Annabelle is determined to resist Simon's wicked propositions, but she can't deny her attraction to the boldly seductive rogue, any more than he can resist the challenge she presents. As they try to outmaneuver each other, they find themselves surrendering to a love more powerful than they could have ever imagined. But fate may have other plansand it will take all of Annabelle's courage to face a peril that could destroy everything she holds dear.

Romance / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (4)

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 Secrets of a Summer Night
Secrets of a Summer Night
Secrets of a Summer Night
Secrets of a Summer Night


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Uma boa leitura para passar o tempo
on 25/3/24

Minha experiência com romances de época se resume a série dos Rockesbys, então não tenho muita propriedade para ficar criticando. Mas não acho que fuja muito do clichê do gênero de romances de época. Teve alguns temas que não vi sendo tratados em outros livros, como a questão da mãe dela. Tirando essa parte achei a leitura leve, e bem fluída. Talvez algum dia pegue para ler a sequência, nas páginas finais quase despertou meu interesse.... leia mais


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ranking 39
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30/04/2016 20:32:36

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