Sealed with a Curse

Sealed with a Curse Cecy Robson


Sealed with a Curse

Weird Girls, Book 1

Celia Wird and her three sisters are just like other 20-something girls—with one tiny exception: they're products of a backfired curse that has given each of them unique powers that make them, well, weird...

The Wird sisters are content to avoid the local vampires, werebeasts, and witches of the Lake Tahoe region—until one of them blows up a vampire in self-defense. Everyone knows vampires aren't aggressive, and killing one is punishable by death. But soon more bloodlust-fueled attacks occur, and the community wonders: are the vampires of Tahoe cursed with a plague?

Celia reluctantly agrees to help Misha, the handsome leader of an infected vampire family. But Aric, the head of the werewolf pack determined to destroy Misha's family to keep the region safe, warns Celia to stay out of the fight. Caught between two hot alphas, Celia must find a way to please everyone, save everyone, and oh yeah, not lose her heart to the wrong guy—or die a miserable death. Because now that the evil behind the plague knows who Celia is, it's coming for her and her sisters. This Wird girl has never had it so tough.

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Sealed with a Curse
Sealed with a Curse


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Selada com uma maldição
on 22/1/23

Celia Wird e suas três irmãs são como outras garotas de 20 e poucos anos - com uma pequena exceção: elas são produtos de uma maldição que saiu pela culatra que deu a cada uma delas poderes únicos que as tornam, bem, estranhas... As irmãs Wird se contentam em evitar os vampiros locais, werebeasts e bruxas da região de Lake Tahoe - até que um deles exploda um vampiro em legítima defesa. Todo mundo sabe que os vampiros não são agressivos, e matar um é punível com a morte. Mas logo ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
05/09/2012 17:22:33

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