Rushing in

Rushing in Lexi Ryan


Rushing in (The Blackhawk Boys #2)

**A sexy, standalone sports romance from NYT bestseller Lexi Ryan**

The favor seemed simple: Keep my new stepsister out of trouble for one summer.
I’ve never met Grace Lee, but Mom tells me she’s a quiet and artsy college student with a troubled past. When I agreed to let her stay with me, I thought it was no big deal. I expected to share my apartment with a sullen girl who’d spend hours locked in her room.

I didn’t expect a walking fantasy determined to make me lose my cool.

I didn’t expect a woman with secrets so dark, so deep, I’d throw away everything if it would save her from the past.

Rushing in to do this favor is turning my life upside down—and not just because Grace needs her ass spanked. Keep her out of trouble? Grace is the trouble. And I want in.

RUSHING IN is a standalone novel in The Blackhawk Boys series. It contains heavy subject matter and is intended for mature readers.

Football. Secrets. Lies. Passion. These boys don’t play fair. Which Blackhawk Boy will steal your heart?

Book 1 - SPINNING OUT (Arrow's story)

Book 2 - RUSHING IN (Christopher's story)

Book 3 - GOING UNDER (Sebastian's story - coming late 2016)
More Blackhawk Boys titles to be announced in 2017!

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Rushing in


(6) ver mais
Going Under
Spinning Out
In Too Deep
Falling Hard

Resenhas para Rushing in (3)

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Rushing in (The Blackhawk boys 2)
on 23/3/20

??Que série mais maravilhosa! Tô amando esses boys!!!! O primeiro livro contou a história do Arrow e esse segundo do Chris. Gnt!!!! Eu adorei o Arrow, mas o Chris? Aaah ele roubou meu coração!!! Quero pra mim pra sempre!!!! THE BLACKHAWK BOYS é uma série de 5 livros. Cada livro conta a história de um jogador de futebol americano. É um maravilhoso romance esportivo ( apesar de que o esporte é só mencionado. Nunca vi os boys jogando rs). Loooooka agora com a história do Sebastian, do Kee... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 36
ranking 31
ranking 44
ranking 19
ranking 6
ranking 0



editou em:
17/12/2016 21:25:48

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