Ruby Tears

Ruby Tears Pepper Winters


Ruby Tears (The Jewelry Box #1)

Dark Romance

From renowned Dark Romance author and New York Times Bestseller, Pepper Winters, comes a brand new addictive Dark Romance.

Date is just a placeholder. Will release late summer 2023

“Ten thousand dollars.
That pitiful sum changed my entire life.
It bought my entire life.
A measly ten thousand dollars, given to my boyfriend by a monster to to taste me.
He took it.
The monster took me.
And I never saw freedom again.”

I’m the illegitimate son of a monster.
My other half-blooded siblings have their own demons…but me?
I truly have the devil inside.
I try to be good.
To do my best to ignore the deep, dark, despicable urges.
But every day it gets harder.
I thought family could help.
I reached out to my infamous half-brother, Q, begging for his secrets to stay tamed.
Instead, he gave me an ultimatum to prove I’m not like our father.
Infiltrate The Jewelry Box: a trafficking ring of poor unfortunate souls, kill the Master Jeweler, free the Jewels, and don’t lose my rotten soul while trying.
Only problem is…my initiation into this exclusive club is earning a Jewel all of my own.
She sparkles like diamonds, bleeds like rubies, and bruises as deep as emeralds.
She’s mine to break.
I can’t refuse.
If I want to prove to my half-brother that I’m not like our sire, I have to sink into urges I’ve always fought, plunge into madness, and lose myself so deeply into sin that the only one who will be breaking is me.

A spin-off from the New York Times Bestselling series Monsters in the Dark.
The Jewelry Box follows Henri Mercer (Q's half-brother) and you don't have to read Monsters in the Dark to enjoy. The storylines are completely separate.
Strictly R18.
Triggers on every warning possible.
This is dark, explicit, and will push every possible boundary that exists.
Be warned....
And to all those dark souls out there...welcome to The Jewelry Box

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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Ruby Tears



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cadastrou em:
25/07/2023 12:43:27
editou em:
25/07/2023 12:43:40

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