Roommates With Benefits

Roommates With Benefits Nicole Williams


Roommates With Benefits

Soren Decker. He’s the epitome of the “bad boy, good man” persona. The best of both worlds. The worst of them too. He’s the type of guy most girls would not mind sharing a confined space with, except my new roommate isn’t all swagger and chiseled abs.

He’s bossy. Messy. Cocky. Infuriating. Doesn’t believe in personal space. Has no qualms about roaming the apartment with a loincloth-sized towel cinched around his waist. Seems under the delusion he’s my personal protector (refer back to infuriating). He plays college baseball and holds down a part-time job—I don’t know where he finds the time to get on my nerves.We’re got nothing in common . . . except for one thing. Our attraction to one another. And in six hundred square feet of shared space, the tension only has so much room to grow before one of us gives in to temptation. But really, what chance do a couple of young kids chasing their dreams in the big city have of making it?

Since Soren claims I know squat about sports (he might have a semi-point), here’s a stat for him—one in a million. That’s our odds.

Drama / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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Roommates With Benefits


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Leitura agradável
on 5/7/21

É uma leitura bem gostosinha de ler. É aquelas histórias clichês, ótimas para tirar você de uma ressaca literária. É uma história boa. Sobre a Hayden, eu gostei da personagem. Não amei ela, mas é uma boa protagonista. Algumas partes me irritam um pouquinho (questão do comportamento dela msm). Acho que ela é uma mulher incrível, que corre atrás dos seus sonhos e que colocou sua cara a tapa por eles. Sobre o Soren, ele é a coisa mais linda desse mundo, eu quero um Soren na minha vida... leia mais


Avaliações 3.5 / 239
ranking 17
ranking 44
ranking 28
ranking 11
ranking 0



Pick a Book
cadastrou em:
01/06/2017 17:40:51
editou em:
05/02/2021 18:41:17

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