Riding the Bus with My Sister: A True Life Journey (English Edition)

Riding the Bus with My Sister: A True Life Journey (English Edition) Rachel Simon


Riding the Bus with My Sister: A True Life Journey (English Edition)

A heartwarming, life-affirming memoir of a relationship with an intellectually disabled sibling: Read this book. It might just change your life (Boston Herald). Beth is a spirited woman with an intellectual disability who lives intensely and often joyfully, and spends most of her days riding the buses in Pennsylvania. The drivers, a lively group, are her mentors; her fellow passengers, her communitythough some display less patience or kindness than others. Her sister, Rachel, a teacher and writer, camouflages her emotional isolation by leading a hyperbusy life. But one day, Beth asks Rachel to accompany her on public transportation for an entire yearand Rachel accepts. This wise, funny, deeply affecting book is the chronicle of that remarkable time, as Rachel learns how to live in the moment, how to pay attention to what really matters, how to change, how to loveand how to slow down and enjoy the ride. Weaving in anecdotes and memories of terrifying maternal abandonment, fierce sisterly loyalty, and astonishing forgiveness, Rachel Simon brings to light a world that is almost invisible to many people, finds unlikely heroes in everyday life, and, without sentimentality, wrestles with her own limitations and portrays Beth as the endearing, feisty, independent person she is. With tenderness and fury, heartbreak and acceptance . . . Simon comes to the inescapable conclusion that we are all riders on the bus, and on the bus we are all the same. Jacquelyn Mitchard, author of The Deep End of the Ocean

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Riding the Bus with My Sister: A True Life Journey (English Edition)



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