Remember When

Remember When Judith McNaught


Remember When (Foster Saga #2)

Discover the sensual and sweeping power of love in New York Times bestselling author Judith McNaught’s contemporary romances that will make “you laugh, cry, and fall in love again” (RT Book Reviews)—now available for the first time on ebook.

When multinational tycoon Cole Harrison approaches her on a moonlit balcony at the White Orchid Charity Ball, Diana Foster has no idea how life-changing the night ahead will be. The most lavish social event of the Houston season had brought out Texas aristocracy in glittering array but Diana only agreed to attend to save face after reading about her fiancé leaving her for an Italian heiress in a sleazy gossip magazine. Her Beautiful Living magazine is her family’s success story, and Diana knows that as a single, childless, and suddenly unengaged woman, she is not living up to its lucrative image of upscale domestic tranquility. But when she spots the pride of Dallas billionaires, Cole Harrison, closing in on her with two crystal flutes and a bottle of champagne, she has no idea that he has ulterior motives for seducing her tonight. And he certainly has no idea that a match made in what he considers logic’s heaven might be headed straight for an unexpected, once-in-a-lifetime love. “Judith McNaught once again works her unique magic in this charming, sparkling romance” (RT Book Reviews, 4 stars).


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Remember When
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on 17/2/24

O livro conta a história de Diana Foster e Cole Harrison. Eles se conheceram muito jovens, porém, de realidades bastante distintas - ela uma herdeira bem nascida, enquanto ele, funcionário do estábulo de uma amiga. Apesar de pobre, Cole é cheio de sonhos e expectativas para mudar de vida. Seus caminhos seguem separados por muitos anos até se cruzarem novamente: ela uma empresária bem sucedida que foi abandonada pelo noivo e ele um bilionário temido e invejado. Esse reencontro trás l... leia mais


Avaliações 4.0 / 387
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cadastrou em:
14/10/2023 09:36:43
editou em:
14/10/2023 09:37:10

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