Recipes for Melissa

Recipes for Melissa Teresa Driscoll


Recipes for Melissa

Is it ever too late for the gift of goodbye?
As I write now, you are eight years old – asleep in the bed next door in princess pyjamas, with a fairy costume discarded on the floor.

Twenty-Five. The age I had you. The age our story began. And the age, I hope, that will see you truly ready for the things that I need to say to you…

Melissa Dance was eight years old when her mother died. They never got to say goodbye.

Seventeen years later, Melissa is handed a journal. As she smooths open the pages and begins to read her mother’s words, she is instantly transported back to her childhood.

But returning to her past is painful and memories of her mother’s beautiful face are a cruel reminder to Melissa that she’ll never see her again.

As Melissa slowly makes her way through the precious book, reading the snippets of advice and cooking the dishes from the recipes she is also shocked to learn of her mother’s secrets – secrets that if shared, could change Melissa’s world forever.

A beautifully written, heartbreaking and ultimately uplifting story of a mother’s loving legacy for her daughter – perfect for fans of Rowan Coleman, Lucy Dillon and JoJo Moyes.

Drama / Romance

Edições (2)

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Um Diário Para Melissa
Recipes for Melissa


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Receitas de Vida para Melissa

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Ficção que poderia ser verdade! Amor mãe pra filha.
on 9/7/23

Comecei a ler despretensiosamente, buscando no #kindle um livro com menos de 300 páginas pra ler no avião e fui surpreendida com uma #ficção que poderia facilmente ter sido fato. Resenha: A mãe de Melissa morreu de câncer quando melissa tinha 8 anos (em 1994), 17 anos depois, Melissa recebe um diário feito pela mãe para ser entregue a ela apenas quando ela estivesse com 25 anos. Nesse diário tem receitas que a mãe fez com ela, memórias afetivas e momentos da doença até a despedida. O... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
18/05/2020 18:43:25