Quasi Redux

Quasi Redux Christina Bauer


Quasi Redux

Myla is a magnificent heroine, fierce and outspoken, hilarious and mischievous, and yet compassionate and mature when the need arises And did I mention that her demon tail is sentient? Best. Sidekick. Ever. The Nocturnal Library Myla Lewis has her life back. Wife. Mother. Queen of the Thrax. Great Scala and mega boss of supernatural igni. Yay! Then one day, Myla runs across a strange fountain and her igni screech like crazy. Our heroine speaks the fateful words, Some days, I wish I werent the Great Scala. Turns out, a demon-titan named Bedlam lurks behind the fountain and he grants her wish. Moments later, Myla returns to her teenage days of Purgatory High. No husband. No child. And zero power over igni. Without Myla around as the Great Scala, all quasis now live under Armageddons rule. That sucks. Hard. So Myla sneaks into Antrum in search of her husband, Lincoln. Together, theyll take down the evil Bedlam and return life to normal, easy peasy. But once Myla arrives, two problems arise. First, her husband doesnt know her. At all. Second, Lincoln is married to someone else. Fuuuuuuu Angelbound Origins In which Myla Lewis kicks ass and takes names. Nuff said. 1. Angelbound 2. Scala 3. Acca 4. Thrax 5. The Dark Lands 6. The Brutal Time 7. Armageddon 8. Quasi Redux 9. Clockwork Igni Angelbound Offspring The next generation takes on Heaven, Hell, and everything in between 1. Maxon 2. Portia 3. Zinnia 4. Rhodes 5. Kaps 6. Mack 7. Huntress Angelbound Lincoln Angelbound Origins as told by Prince Lincoln 1. Duty Bound 2. Lincoln 3. Trickster 4. Baculum Don't Miss These Series From Christina Bauer - Fairy Tales of the Magicorum, modern fairy tales with sass, action, and romance - Beholder, where a medieval farm girl discovers necromancy and true love - Dimension Drift, a dystopian adventure with science, snark, and hot aliens - Pixieland Diairies, in which sassy pixie Calla writes about her elf prince, Dare

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