Python Programming For Beginners: Learn The Basics Of Python Programming

Python Programming For Beginners: Learn The Basics Of Python Programming James Tudor


Python Programming For Beginners: Learn The Basics Of Python Programming

Technology Entrepreneur, James Tudor, provides a concise, step-by-step guide to Python programming for beginners. A lot of examples, illustrations, end of chapter summary and practice exercises (with solutions) are provided to help the reader learn faster, remember longer and develop a thorough understanding of key concepts.

In This Book, you'll discover:

A concise. Simple. Newby friendly style of teaching that lends itself well to beginners
Chapters that have been sliced into bite-size chunks to give you the information you need (at that point in time) so you're not overwhelmed.
Lots of simple, step-by-step examples and illustrations are used to emphasis key conceptsand help improve your understanding
Each practice exercise builds on concepts discussed in previous chapters so your learning is reinforced as you progress.
Topics are carefully selected to give you a broad exposure to Python, while not overwhelming you with too much (potentially unnecessary) information.
An end of chapter summary is presented to give you key take aways that help you solidify your understanding

Some of the topics covered include:

How to get started - what you need and where to get it (Chapter 1)
How a computer functions and what a computer program is (Chapter 2)
Simple data types that are available to you and how to manipulate them (Chapter 3)

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Python Programming For Beginners: Learn The Basics Of Python Programming


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26/05/2021 20:26:00
editou em:
26/05/2021 20:26:21

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