Purple Hearts

Purple Hearts Tess Wakefield


Purple Hearts

A Novel

When a soldier with a troubled past and a struggling songwriter agree to a marriage of convenience for the military benefits, neither expects much after saying “I do.” Then tragedy strikes, and the line between what’s real and what’s pretend begins to blur in this smart and surprising romance perfect for fans of Nicholas Sparks and Jojo Moyes.

Cassie Salazar and Luke Morrow couldn’t be more different. Sharp-witted Cassie works nights at a bar in Austin, Texas to make ends meet while pursuing her dream of becoming a singer/songwriter. Luke is an Army trainee, about to ship out for duty, who finds comfort in the unswerving discipline of service. But a chance encounter at Cassie’s bar changes the course of both their lives.

Cassie is drowning in medical bills after being diagnosed with diabetes. When she runs into her old friend Frankie, now enlisted in the Army, she proposes a deal: she’ll marry him in exchange for better medical insurance and they can split the increased paycheck that comes with having a “family.” When Frankie declines, his attractive but frustratingly intense friend Luke volunteers to marry Cassie instead. What she doesn’t know is that he has desperate reasons of his own to get married. In this unforgettable love story, Cassie and Luke must set aside their differences to make it look like a real marriage...unless, somewhere along the way, it becomes one...


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Purple Hearts
Purple Hearts


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Cass e Luke
on 8/8/22

Eu amo muito um clichê romântico, tô rendida demais a esse casal ? Eu procurei o livro depois de ver o filme na netflix, simplesmente amei, Sofia Carson como sempre entregando TUDO! E claro que depois de ver aquele espetáculo, a leitora em mim foi ler o livro. Infelizmente, eu só achei o livro em inglês e no kindle e eu digo infelizmente porque torna a acessibilidade mais difícil para quem não entende inglês. Espero muito que, com o sucesso da netflix, eles corrijam isso. E, como se... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.2 / 91
ranking 11
ranking 40
ranking 32
ranking 15
ranking 2



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cadastrou em:
22/07/2022 13:39:31
editou em:
30/07/2022 14:54:24

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