
Puppet/Master Joel Abernathy


Puppet/Master (The Vale Chronicles #1)

Can an assassin who exists only for one man accept his destiny as the treasured possession of four elite warriors?

The world of Teros is full of beautiful, twisted things. Elves who’ve traded their magical birthright for biogenetic enhancements. Shifters who transform into the beasts of legend. Vampires who feed on their human subjects with impunity and enforce their rule with servants honed into deadly creatures of destruction—and seduction. None is rarer than the chimera, a special class of human and a vessel of limitless power for any lover strong enough to tame them.

As the favored "Puppet" of the Master Vampire of Ark, Arden exists to enact his master’s will. When the Brotherhood of Aeon, an elite force from the subterranean realm of the Vale, turns the tables and kidnaps the rare creature, Arden is thrown into the world of the fae, where nothing is as it seems.

The Vale is a realm of old magic and exquisite beauty beyond imagination, ruled by Dusk, the Prince of the Fae. When Dusk strips Arden of his vampire nature and the purpose that has guided him from birth, his only focus is escape. But the Brotherhood insists that he’s more than just a Puppet. To them, he’s a being deserving of love and protection, and he must be guarded at all costs.

Puppet/Master is the first book in a serial gay harem romance story. It is a slow burn resulting in an eventual MMMMM romance with a HEA. This is a story with some darker themes and is not for the faint of heart.

Erótico / Fantasia / LGBT / GLS

Edições (2)

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His Reclassified Omega
His Royal Secret
Captive Prince
Heart of the Steal

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Uma leitura diferente
on 19/5/23

Temos que tentar novos ares né. Então, o livro e um pouco confuso passei raiva em alguns momentos mais foi uma leitura boa. O protagonista no começo é muito forte e no decorrer do livro fica extremamente frágil. Mais é isso uma leitura diferente.... leia mais


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i'm a sadness poet
cadastrou em:
22/05/2022 18:59:17
i'm a sadness poet
editou em:
22/05/2022 18:59:45

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