Promises in Death

Promises in Death J. D. Robb


Promises in Death

In Death #28

The new and reissued J. D. Robb classic from the 'In Death' series, which pits Lieutenant Eve Dallas against a brutal killer striking deep within her own ranks

Inside the paralysed shell, she struggled, she strained. She looked up into the eyes of her killer. Into the eyes of a friend. Why?

Every cop gets angry when a police officer is killed. And Lieutenant Eve Dallas is no exception. Throwing every resource into solving Amarylis Coltraine's brutal murder, Eve encounters bitter opposition from Coltraine's fellow officers, who are desperate to take over the case. But when Eve receives a strange parcel containing Coltraine's badge and gun together with a note threatening the imminent arrival of her own ID, she knows the case has just got personal. Then a link to millionaire Alex Ricker, son of a criminal she had put behind bars, heats things up even further. Ricker was romantically involved with Amarylis - did she leak information to him and then have a change of heart? Eve must put herself in extreme danger to get to the truth...

Edições (3)

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Promises in Death
Promises in Death
Promises in Death


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on 10/11/10

PROMISES IN DEATH* Ohhhh Promises. Finalmente a boa e velha Nora está de volta! Não que o ultimo livro tenha sido ruim, foi muito bom. Mas esse livro foi ÓTIMO, FODA! Ai ai ai. Bom, vamos a parte da resenha SEM SPOILER’S: O caso: Eve Dallas é chamada pra atender um chamado, e a pessoa que foi assassinada é Ammy Coltraine. Detetive Amaralis Coltraine, namorada do Morris, o legista. Só por aí você vê como será as coisas. O caso foi realmente ótimo, e por mais que tivesse poucas morte... leia mais


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17/02/2015 14:50:55

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