Pretty Boy D

Pretty Boy D Rachel Jonas...


Pretty Boy D (Kings of Cypress Pointe #4)

Dane Golden—Best friend. Temptation in football cleats. Roommate?

I’m screwed.

His followers don’t call him Pretty Boy D for nothing. The guy is, literally, God’s gift to women. I should know. I’ve watched chicks throw themselves at him since puberty.

Sharing his loft should be simple. Easy. But shortly after I settle in, we realize being "just friends" was so much easier when we weren’t sleeping under the same roof.

Seven years of thinking we had this down to a science goes out the window the night Dane sees my “Never Have I Ever” list. Now, he’s on a mission to help me cross off the top four items. Some of which aren’t quite as innocent as he’d expect.

What he’s proposing will break the rules we agreed to when I first came to stay here. He wants me to give in, to let my guard down and face my feelings for once. At least, that’s what that wicked look in his eyes and the mounting heat between us suggests.

This isn’t how I imagined being roommates would go. But a girl can only stare temptation in its green eyes for so long and not weaken.

My best friend wants to have his way with me and, right or wrong… I think I might let him.


Pretty Boy D is a full-length standalone novel within the KINGS OF CYPRESS POINTE series. This book can absolutely be read on its own, but when you’re done, it’s recommended that you check out more from the Golden triplets and Joss in the complete enemies-to-lovers trilogy that begins with THE GOLDEN BOYS.

Do you enjoy the frustratingly hot push and pull of a good friends-to-lovers or roommates-to-lovers romance? Then you’ll love getting to know Dane and Joss. Expect an HEA and no trigger warnings needed. However, the series does contain adult themes and sexual situations.

Jovem adulto / Línguas Estrangeiras / Romance

Edições (2)

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Pretty Boy D
Pretty Boy D


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The Golden Boys
Never His Girl
Forever Golden

Resenhas para Pretty Boy D (2)

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on 6/2/23

Acho que coloquei expectativas demais nesse livro, principalmente por que gostei dos anteriores e queria mais desse casal, mas achei morno, sem graça tinha tudo pra ser um livro perfeito? porém foi morno! faltou emoção. Porém serviu pra matar saudades dos outros personagens. Agora continuo querendo saber: Quem é Pandora? ( lexi talvez ? )... leia mais


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ranking 42
ranking 35
ranking 8
ranking 4



cadastrou em:
28/02/2022 11:42:20
editou em:
28/02/2022 11:42:47

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