Power Play

Power Play Cara Dee


Power Play

I was my own worst enemy. For as much as I depended on order and a structured life to easier manage my bipolar disorder, fire was irresistible and indisputably my favorite toy to play with. On the ice, it turned me into a hotheaded hockey player. In the bedroom, my attitude was my last defense, a front I wanted to see tumbling down. But lately, all I got was burned.

Love sucked. Correction: it sucked when you were in love with your parents’ closest friend and he didn’t feel the same. I admitted my feelings for Madigan Monroe over a year ago, and I was still waiting for a response. Now my balance was gone. My anxiety was all over the place, my fits of rage had just earned me a suspension from the team, I questioned myself at every turn, and being home for two weeks was gonna make it impossible to avoid Madigan.

I used to be his Abel, his sweetheart, his trouble. It’d been the two of us against the world since I was a kid. I’d even discovered we had kink in common! On paper, I was seemingly perfect for him. Maybe that was why his nonverbal rejection hurt so much. Or maybe it was because, recently, he seemed hell-bent on us “being friends” again.

Whatever. I was a loser, and I couldn’t resist him for crap.

Erótico / Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Romance

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Power Play


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Cheio de fofura e put4ria, do jeito que eu gosto!
on 22/5/22

Gente, esse livro aqui me surpreendeu muito positavemente! Abel é um jogador de hóquei em ascensão que sempre teve Madigan como sua pessoa favorita na vida, até que ele cresceu e declarou estar apaixonado pelo homem. Mad então se afastou e com isso fez crescer uma certa mágoa no garoto que ele sempre amou. A família adotiva de Abel é muito próxima de Madigan, então, eventualmente, os dois se reencontram. Abel está mais certo de quem ele é e do que deseja na vida, e decide deixar as ... leia mais


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08/02/2018 09:47:26

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