Poetry of Flowers

Poetry of Flowers Emmy Adamea


Poetry of Flowers (Grand Lee Series #1)

“Come my flower, lay your lips on mine, and all the wounds will heal, all the pain will disappear, and our hearts will be at peace.
Come and free our bruised and trapped souls.”

Matilda Avril and Kayden Kidd are best friends for eternity. They have always been each other’s save place, right next door.
But grief can separate friendships.
Tillie’s mother died in a car crash when she was just seven years old, leaving behind a two-year-old son and a daughter who had to grow up too soon when her father turned to alcohol.
Living turned into surviving.
The beautiful flower started to wilt.

Kayden’s life had seemed so easy his trust fund money and his famous family name, and yet no one could see what was going on behind closed walls.
He told no one, not even his best friend, the forbidden flower he secretly loved most in this world.
Kayden and Tillie’s story is an adventure across the country filled with secrets and memories with their friends.

Will Kayden’s plan to make his best friend start living again work, or will the secret of their journey destroy everything?


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Poetry of Flowers


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on 30/12/23

Tive que Ficar 5 dias até fazer a resenha só pra absorver essa lindeza. O que dizer desse livro? MARAVILHOSO! Parabéns pra quem escreveu essa obra prima! Pra começar, qro dizer q daria 5.0 estrelas pra ele, mas, tem algumas cenas meio picantes, (q deu a entender q?mas n foi descritivo, na vdd eu até fiquei confusa se aconteceu alguma coisa ou n, pq foi bom) eu pulei qnd senti necessidade, ent n sei direito, mas só tirei um pouco das estrelas por pessoalmente eu n gostar de cenas ass... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.7 / 9
ranking 33
ranking 44
ranking 11
ranking 11
ranking 0



Lara Camargo
cadastrou em:
08/10/2023 00:46:11
Lara Camargo
editou em:
08/10/2023 00:49:10

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