Pink Moon

Pink Moon Annabel Chase...


Pink Moon (A Hex Support Mystery #1)

Nobody knows the power of three like a Fairfield witch…

Katherine Fairfield isn’t a typical woman—or a typical witch. Once upon a time, she worked as an agent for Hex Support, a secret division within the Federal Bureau of Magic. Following the tragic death of her husband, she quit to focus on raising their twins. Now the kids are in college and Kit spends her days at the enchanted family estate known as Dark Hollow, along with her two younger sisters and a sanctuary of forgotten familiars.
Until duty calls.
Kit has no interest in returning to her previous life, but her former boss makes her an offer she can’t refuse. A prominent supernatural socialite has been murdered in Savannah and Hex Support could really use the talents of a Fairfield witch to crack the case.
Begrudgingly Kit dusts off her badge and heads to Savannah where she meets the suspects—as well as a mysterious vampire known only as Palmer who seems to know far more than he should.
As Kit closes in on the killer, she’s forced to call upon magical skills she’s long ignored and face the reality of her new life.
Will she retreat into the dark recesses of her sanctuary and let a killer go free or will the Green Witch rise to the challenge and remind the supernatural world who’s boss?

Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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Pink Moon


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Ahhh que livro gostosinho de ler
on 3/7/23

Kit é uma ex- agente da AFM ( Agente Federal da Magia) apostada após a morte do marido e dedicou 10 anos da sua vida cuidando dos filhos e das irmãs mais novas. E a parte mais emocionante do seu dia é quando os animais que vivem em sua propriedade invadem a casa de algum vizinho Até que o ex chefe a procure pedindo ajuda para solucionar o mistério de um assassinato cruel de uma bruxa socialite em Savannah. O que ela não espera e que um certo vampiro rico, com um interesse incomum no ... leia mais


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Ana Paula
cadastrou em:
02/07/2023 17:00:23
editou em:
11/07/2023 19:52:16

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