Partners in Crime

Partners in Crime Alisha Rai


Partners in Crime

Indian Matchmaking meets Date Night in this fun, romantic adventure in which a match-made couple about to be engaged gets caught up in a caper that puts their future—and lives—in danger.

At thirty-five, with a stable job as an accountant, Mira Chaudhary wants nothing more than to find a boring man to spend the rest of her life with. Having had enough excitement in her younger days and desperately trying to escape her dysfunctional past, she turns to a matching app specializing in Indian American singles to help her find someone to settle down with.

Enter Naveen Desai. An English professor with an uneventful, normal, and—dare she say it, boring—life, Naveen is perfect.

But just when things are going well, Mira receives news that her aunt has died. Suddenly a trip to Las Vegas to settle her aunt’s affairs turns into a mad dash to escape kidnappers, evade art thieves, and consorting with hackers who can decipher just what it was Mira’s aunt was involved with. Mira just hopes that Naveen isn’t chased away by the very same life of “excitement” that she’s been trying to get away from. But maybe, over the course of one wild night, Mira and Naveen will find the love connection that neither expected.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Partners in Crime


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essa capa é tudo
on 9/11/22

“I was nearly in love with you when you left, and I’m almost all the way there now.” não é meu favorito da autora mas foi diferente de tudo que ja li. um romcom mais focado na ação do que no romance romântico, mas gostei do casal principal e do plot. enfim, não consigo dar menos de 3 estrelas pra nada que essa autora escreve e ainda vou ler tudo dela. tropes: second chance romance... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.7 / 52
ranking 31
ranking 35
ranking 29
ranking 4
ranking 2



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20/10/2022 15:04:19
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20/10/2022 15:05:12

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