Os Filhos de Damia - I

Os Filhos de Damia - I Anne McCaffrey


Os Filhos de Damia - I (Ficção Científica Europa-América #214)

Damia's Children (Tower and Hive Series, #3)

Os Filhos de Damia (PEA, 1995, 1º volume)
They inherited their mother's legendary powers of telepathy. But Damia's children will need more than psionic Talent to face the enemy's children--an alien race more insect than human...

[From School Library Journal]: A sequel to The Rowan (1990) and Damia (1992, both Ace), this is the third book in the Raven-Lyons family saga. In The Rowan, McCaffrey developed FT&T, Federal Telepath and Teleport. This organization, through the use of psi talents, is responsible for interstellar communication via telepathy, and for cargo/passenger transportation by means of teleportation. While the first book tells Rowan's story, and the second centers around the daughter of Rowan and Jeff Raven, Damia's Children concerns the eight children of Damia and Afra, especially Laria, Thian, and Rojer who, working with their alien allies the Mrdinis, again confront the Hive culture...

[From Publishers Weekly]: Here Anne McCaffrey introduces another generation in her saga of a family of powerful psionic Talents ( The Rowan and Damia ) raised to serve the Nine Star League. The eight children of Damia and Afra Raven-Lyon approach the threshold of maturity on Iota Aurogae, where they have been raised with young Mrdinis, the only other intelligent life that humankind has encountered--save for the pernicious Hive Culture, which has sought to destroy all other species in its drive to expand through the universe. The eldest teenager, Laria, is sent to the homeworld of the Mrdinis to improve relations between the two species. Thian, the oldest boy, encounters residual human prejudice and almost loses his life when he serves as liaison with a mixed human-Mrdini fleet. The other children contribute their own Talents and insight during stressful periods of human-nonhuman interaction. Certain to be a success with McCaffrey's fans, this initial entry in a promising series offers winning, carefully developed young characters, an attractive alien society and an enemy drawn with more than a touch of mystery and ambiguity...

Aventura / Drama / Fantasia / Ficção científica / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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Os Filhos de Damia - I


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13/07/2017 20:19:09

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