Ophelia After All

Ophelia After All Racquel Marie


Ophelia After All

A teen girl navigates friendship drama, the end of high school, and discovering her queerness in Ophelia After All, a hilarious and heartfelt contemporary YA debut by author Racquel Marie.

Ophelia Rojas knows what she likes: her best friends, Cuban food, rose-gardening, and boys – way too many boys. Her friends and parents make fun of her endless stream of crushes, but Ophelia is a romantic at heart. She couldn’t change, even if she wanted to.

So when she finds herself thinking more about cute, quiet Talia Sanchez than the loss of a perfect prom with her ex-boyfriend, seeds of doubt take root in Ophelia’s firm image of herself. Add to that the impending end of high school and the fracturing of her once-solid friend group, and things are spiraling a little out of control. But the course of love―and sexuality―never did run smooth. As her secrets begin to unravel, Ophelia must make a choice between clinging to the fantasy version of herself she’s always imagined or upending everyone’s expectations to rediscover who she really is, after all.

LGBT / GLS / Romance

Edições (1)

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Ophelia After All


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Resenhas para Ophelia After All (10)

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?I know myself, and I don?t. Both can be true.?
on 20/4/22

ler esse livro tem a mesma sensação de ver um filme coming of age misturado com vibes dos livros da alice oseman. fui na expectativa de ler um romance sáfico, quando no final o livro é completamente diferente, de um jeito ótimo!! ele é muito mais focado no amadurecimento da ophelia como personagem do que qualquer outra coisa, e eu amei ver cada momento dela crescendo e se descobrindo pelo livro todo. esse livro entrega absolutamente tudo, sério mesmo!! tem um grupo de amigos incrívei... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 41
ranking 44
ranking 44
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31/01/2022 21:19:15

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