Open: An Autobiography

Open: An Autobiography Andre Agassi


Open: An Autobiography

Agassi has always had a tortured look in his eyes on the tennis court. In 1992, when he burst onto the world sports stage by winning the Grand Slam at Wimbledon, he looked like a deer in headlights. Nobody seemed more surprised and upset by his big win that day than he did. For good reason, too. Agassi hated tennis. This is the biggest revelation in his very revealing autobiography. Agassi has hated tennis from early childhood, finding it extremely lonely out on the court. But he didn’t have a choice about playing the game because his father drove him to become a champion, like it or not. Mike Agassi, a former Golden Gloves fighter who never made it professionally, decided that his son would become a champion tennis player. In militaristic fashion, Mike pushed seven-year-old Andre to practice relentlessly until the young boy was exhausted and in pain. He also arranged for Andre, age 13, to attend a tennis camp where he was expected to pull weeds and clean toilets. The culmination of all of this parental pushing came when Andre began winning as an adult. But it didn’t make him happy. Within this framework, Agassi’s other disclosures make sense. He had a troubled marriage to Brooke Shields that didn’t last. He developed a drug problem that sabotaged his career. He was insecure about everything. Only when Andre met tennis star Steffi Graf (whom he eventually married) did things begin to change. Readers will definitely cheer when Andre finally makes peace with the game he once hated and learns to enjoy it. --Jerry Eberle

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on 4/6/10

Sensacional!!! Não só porque sou um fã do tênis e joguei durante muito tempo, mas também porque o livro é muito bem escrito e traz uma história de vida interessantíssima. Mesmo aqueles que não são ligados ao tênis com certeza vão adorar, pois o livro – embora com um foco especial neste esporte – dá lições de vida muito valiosas. Não que o Agassi fosse (ou seja ainda) um modelo de comportamento (muito pelo contrário), mas para que vejamos o que ocorre na vida e na cabeça de um grande íd... leia mais


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