Oona Out of Order: A Novel (English Edition)

Oona Out of Order: A Novel (English Edition) Margarita Montimore


Oona Out of Order: A Novel (English Edition)

Just because life might be out of order, doesn’t mean it’s broken.

It’s new years eve 1982, and Oona Lockhart has her whole life before her. At the stroke of midnight she will turn nineteen, and the year ahead promises to be one of consequence. Should she go to London to study economics, or follow her heart and remain at home in Brooklyn to be with her boyfriend? As the countdown to the new year begins, Oona feels lightheaded, woozy, and it’s not from the champagne. At the stroke of midnight Oona is torn from her life and everyone she loves, finding herself in her 51 year old body thirty-three years into the future. Greeted by a friendly stranger in a beautiful house she’s told is her own, Oona learns that will with each passing year she will leap to another age at random. Still a young woman on the inside, but ever changing on the outside, who will she be next year? Philanthropist? Club kid? World traveler? Wife to a man she’s never met?

Ficção / Ficção científica / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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Oona Out of Order: A Novel (English Edition)


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O tempo cura tudo, mas e se o tempo for a própria doença?
on 3/7/22

Esse livro tem a premissa muito interessante da protagonista vivendo a própria vida fora da ordem cronológica. A cada ano, exatamente à meia noite, Oona acorda em um novo ano da sua vida. Aos 19 anos ela pode viver num corpo de 51, ou aos 25 num corpo de 19. A única certeza é que ela vai passar por muita confusão. Esperava um livro bem leve e de certa forma ele até é, mas tb traz reflexões interessantes sobre a vida, destino, perdão e esperança.... leia mais


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06/07/2019 19:32:01