Only Friend

Only Friend Kira Freitas


Only Friend (Destinations #01)

Brooke Evans plans to graduate in law at Harvard College, but she must first complete your course in philosophy at the College of NEW YORK. As a young college student she is the daughter of rich parents and dating one of the most popular guys on campus in that study. Born and raised in the list of high society, she follows rules to please the family and so it is always reserved. But deep down she hates all the pageantry of the parents and the snobs who your fiance lives surrounded.
The eve of your graduation, Brooke is left by the groom, who was not exactly Prince charming that she imagined him to be, and your life undergoes a turnaround. Being the biggest nerd on campus and having been kicked by the most popular guy, Brooke becomes the derision of the College and to make matters worse, discovers that depends on the goodwill of the guy she hates the most to graduate!
Ryder Taylor is a bad boy of philosophy student with plans to graduate in law to take over the company that your grandfather bequeathed. He is handsome, charming, intelligent and very popular. His hobby is seducing the girls without any commitment. Ryder loves to break the rules and do it often. But despite your reputation as a bad boy, he has a heart of gold that has been hurt once by an ambitious girl and heartless. So, when the girl more nerd and cold that exists on campus is humiliated, Ryder runs on your help!
Although brilliant, Ryder discovers that needs a tutor to help you recover your notes in record time. The problem is that the only one with talent to that hate him!
Dead end both decide to become friends to get together the your goal and end up discovering that have more in common than they imagined. The friendship between the two starts to become something more, until everything begins to get complicated, because they begin to arouse envy and anger in some people.

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Only Friend



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03/06/2017 13:29:15

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