One Italian Summer

One Italian Summer Rebecca Serle


One Italian Summer

When Katy's mother dies, she is left reeling. Carol wasn't just Katy's mom, but her best friend and first phone call. She had all the answers and now, when Katy needs her the most, she is gone. To make matters worse, their planned mother-daughter trip of a lifetime looms: two weeks in Positano, the magical town Carol spent the summer right before she met Katy's father. Katy has been waiting years for Carol to take her, and now she is faced with embarking on the adventure alone.

But as soon as she steps foot on the Amalfi Coast, Katy begins to feel her mother's spirit. Buoyed by the stunning waters, beautiful cliffsides, delightful residents, and, of course, delectable food, Katy feels herself coming back to life.

And then Carol appears--in the flesh, healthy, sun-tanned, and thirty years old. Katy doesn't understand what is happening, or how--all she can focus on is that she has somehow, impossibly, gotten her mother back. Over the course of one Italian summer, Katy gets to know Carol, not as her mother, but as the young woman before her. She is not exactly who Katy imagined she might be, however, and soon Katy must reconcile the mother who knew everything with the young woman who does not yet have a clue.

Chick-lit / Ficção / Jovem adulto / Romance

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One Italian Summer


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Um verão italiano

Resenhas para One Italian Summer (15)

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legalzinho ali, pra na hora de ir dormir
on 25/7/22

o tema, o clima e as paisagens que permeiam a história são bem interessantes e convidativas. se você curte livros com temática de "minha vida tá chata vou viver uma aventura do nada" esse livro é uma boa. achei a história poderia ser melhorzinha, com mais detalhes e mais explicações sobre determinados aspectos que ficaram de fora. achei bem parecido com "The Strange Journey of Alice Pendelbury"... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.4 / 65
ranking 20
ranking 34
ranking 32
ranking 12
ranking 2



cadastrou em:
09/11/2021 08:45:46
editou em:
14/04/2022 00:20:51

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