Once Kissed

Once Kissed Cecy Robson


Once Kissed

(O'Brien Family, #1)

Tough-as-steel cop Curran O’Brien is quickly rising through the ranks of the Philadelphia police department. But when his rookie partner is almost killed under his watch, Curran just wants to prove he still has what it takes to walk among Philly’s finest. So he’s pissed to be stuck on a cushy security assignment for the DA’s office . . . until he gets a good look at the sweet, straitlaced intern he’s supposed to protect—but not touch.

Tess Newart recognizes Curran instantly. How could she not? Back in college she tied this former frat boy to the bed with her argyle socks! That sizzling one-night stand was the only indiscretion Tess ever allowed herself. She has survived law school so far, despite being pushed to succeed by her overbearing father. Now that she’s interning on a major case against a ruthless crime boss, she won’t jeopardize her career by giving in to temptation again. She just never expected temptation to look so damn hot in uniform.

Tess knows her father has other plans for her, and they don’t include Curran. But soon she’s falling for him all over again. And when danger emerges, Curran will prove just how good a bad-boy cop can be.

Literatura Estrangeira

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on 21/2/24

Ameiiii!!! o livro é muito bem escrito, tem um bom desenvolvimento, personagens sao cativantes e os plots sao ótimos. a leitura é bem fluida, engoli em 24 horas. os protagonistas tem quimica, os hots sao bem dosados e bem escritos. o romance é bem desenvolvido! cada personagem com seu proprio drama, que sao bem explorados e bem resolvidos no fim. a historia nunca fica vaga pq sempre tem algum plot twist. e a quantidade de páginas é otima, nem mt longo nem mt curto. toda construção dos ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 7
ranking 43
ranking 43
ranking 14
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