On the way to the Wedding

On the way to the Wedding Julia Quinn


On the way to the Wedding (Bridgertons #8)

Unlike most men of his acquaintance, Gregory Bridgerton believes in true love. And he is convinced that when he finds the woman of his dreams, he will know in an instant that she is the one. And that is exactly what happened. Except ...

She wasn’t the one. In fact, the ravishing Miss Hermione Watson is in love with another. But her best friend, the ever-practical Lady Lucinda Abernathy, wants to save Hermione from a disastrous alliance, so she offers to help Gregory win her over. But in the process, Lucy falls in love. With Gregory! Except ...

Lucy is engaged. And her uncle is not inclined to let her back out of the betrothal, even once Gregory comes to his senses and realizes that it is Lucy, with her sharp wit and sunny smile, who makes his heart sing. And now, on the way to the wedding, Gregory must risk everything to ensure that when it comes time to kiss the bride, he is the only man standing at the altar ...

Romance / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (4)

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On The Way to The Wedding
On The Way To The Wedding
On The Way To The Wedding
On the way to the Wedding


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O Conde Enfeitiçado
Because of Miss Bridgerton
A Caminho do Altar
The Girl With The Make-Believe Husband

Resenhas para On the way to the Wedding (31)

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on 6/5/20

O famigerado último livro da série dos Bridgertons. Ele é voltado para o romance do penúltimo irmão, o Gregory. Esse, é um homem que acredita no amor. E como não acreditar no amor, sendo que todos os seus irmãos estavam completamente apaixonados por seus parceiros? A ingenuidade e paixão do jovem Bridgerton é muito apaixonante para quem lê. Mas, o desespero do personagem pode irritar bastante aqueles que são um pouco mais pé-no-chão (ou seja, todo mundo que tem mais que 13 anos vai ... leia mais


Avaliações 4.1 / 385
ranking 41
ranking 36
ranking 18
ranking 5
ranking 0



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31/01/2018 03:42:32

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