Oh, Holy Knight

Oh, Holy Knight Amelia Hutchins


Oh, Holy Knight (Wicked Knights)

Erie isn’t having a great week. Her time of freedom is up, and the Templar Knight who comes to claim her is an overgrown, broody, alpha a-hole who kisses like sin, and is determined to have her. What’s a girl to do other than teach him that she cannot be owned by him or his kind?

Callaghan will stop at nothing to save his race. Bound by the Templar Code, he has stood as protector of humanity; a witness to the countless wars that forged the world. Too much depends on his ability to catch one female, and create a life before time runs out. If the hour glass finishes before he succeeds, both races will fall to the curse placed on them by ancient witches have been awakened from the eternal slumber.

With two races hanging in the balance, he’s going to have to get creative to trap the little she-wolf who seems to be as elusive and untamed as her name claims her to be.

This is the start of a series that was previously published as part of an anthology. The full novel will be released this summer 2019

Contos / Erótico / Fantasia / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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Oh, Holy Knight


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Quero saber o fim kkkk
on 22/3/21

Erie não está tendo uma ótima semana. Seu tempo de liberdade acabou, e o Cavaleiro Templário que vem reivindicá-la é um supercrescido, taciturno, um alfa babaca que beija como o pecado e está determinado a tê-la. O que uma garota pode fazer além de ensiná-lo que ela não pode ser propriedade dele ou de sua espécie? Callaghan não vai parar por nada para salvar sua raça. Preso pelo Código dos Templários, ele se manteve como protetor da humanidade; uma testemunha das inúmeras guerras... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 8
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cadastrou em:
23/11/2020 20:10:25
editou em:
23/11/2020 20:27:51

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