Notre-Dame, a Cross in the heart

Notre-Dame, a Cross in the heart Carolina Beatriz


Notre-Dame, a Cross in the heart (Notre-Dame (English) #1)

A forbidden romance for some, and yet yearned by many others.
A tragedy that will bring even closer the heirs of two traditional Parisian families.
A dark secret about to be revealed.

Elena Cross and Reign Moon have got history. No, they do not know each other, they are not friends and they do not attend the same social groups. And yet, somehow they spend the afternoons together, taking advantage of a view of Paris that only a few have got.
The friendship comes from years, the enmity from generations. But when Reign becomes the sole suspect in the crime that has stolen the life of Elena's brother, he will rely on his special abilities to unmask the true assassin.
"The messages arrive only at dawn, early in the morning. They come all from it, from Notre-Dame; are all protectionists of the anonymity. [...] Elena, however, found a pattern: the messages arrive minutes, even seconds, before the first ray of sun rips the sky, as if to tell her that there is, yes, light in the darkness.
She has already changed her resolution; already tried, already inquired who it is. She already asked, already threatened, already begged. Whoever it is on the other side, whoever is in possession of such a cell phone number, considers her to be mute, illiterate. Whoever it is, only speaks what it wants, when it wants.
The most personal response she received regarding its identity could not have been more impersonal and came in the voice of Benjamin Franklin on the evening of the second Sunday in contact with this Anonymous:

“The three most difficult things in the world are keeping a secret, forgiving an offense, and seizing time.”
I tell you, then, that my life is harder than that of any other man in Paris; than that any other man should be.


Why do you help me, Notre-Dame?
Why do you hide behind such a beautiful mask?
Why do you address to me only, if there are so many who ask you for consolation, help, a friendly word?

Because I can.
Because I need to.
Because I want to.

Chick-lit / Fantasia / Jovem adulto / Romance

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Notre-Dame, a Cross in the heart


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Carolina Beatriz
cadastrou em:
11/04/2018 16:19:01

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