Nothing More to Tell

Nothing More to Tell Karen M. McManus


Nothing More to Tell

Be sure to keep your friends close . . . and your secrets closer.

Four years ago, Brynn left Saint Ambrose School following the shocking murder of her favorite teacher—a story that made headlines after the teacher’s body was found by three Saint Ambrose students in the woods behind their school. The case was never solved. Now that Brynn is moving home and starting her dream internship at a true-crime show, she’s determined to find out what really happened.

The kids who found Mr. Larkin are her way in, and her ex–best friend, Tripp Talbot, was one of them. Without his account of events, the other two kids might have gone down for Mr. Larkin’s murder. They've never forgotten what Tripp did for them that day. Just like he hasn’t forgotten that everything he told the police was a lie.

Digging into the past is bound to shake up the present, and as Brynn begins to investigate what happened in the woods that day, she begins to uncover secrets that might change everything—about Saint Ambrose, about Mr. Larkin, and about her ex-best friend, Tripp Talbot.

Four years ago someone got away with murder. The most terrifying part is that they never left.

Literatura Estrangeira / Crime / Ficção / Romance policial / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (2)

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Nada a Declarar
Nothing More to Tell


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Resenhas para Nothing More to Tell (131)

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Eu tenho algo sim para declarar
on 26/6/23

Parabéns mortos não contam segredos você continua sendo o melhor livro da Karen M. McManus, algo que esse aqui nem chegou perto de fazer. gente sério, que suspense de MERDA na moral, decepção demais, a maioria das pistas eram mais de achismo da protagonista e do nada ela já sabia de tudo depois, muito sem pé e sem cabeça. take polêmico: o sonho dessa autora é ser a Holly Jackson, que é a autora de Manual de Assassinato para boas Garotas, tanto que ela poderia aprender umas aulinhas nec... leia mais

Vídeos Nothing More to Tell (1)

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RESENHA + SORTEIO | Nada a Declarar, de Karen McManus

RESENHA + SORTEIO | Nada a Declarar, de Karen


Avaliações 3.9 / 540
ranking 34
ranking 44
ranking 19
ranking 2
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
29/07/2022 20:06:04
editou em:
29/07/2022 20:06:20

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