Nightworld Academy: Term One

Nightworld Academy: Term One Lj Swallow


Nightworld Academy: Term One

Welcome to the Nightworld Academy, attended by vampires, shifters, and witches. A place filled with harmony and mutual respect between the supernatural races. Sometimes. I'm told my curse is a gift. A valuable one that could cost me my life. My visions of the future are weird, but my new school is weirder. All lessons take place in the evening and the majority of students are on an advanced program where they take extra classes late into the night. I enrolled at the academy because my last school expelled me for punching another student. Nobody believed that I knocked Tyler unconscious to stop somebody else dying. But why would they believe the crazy girl? I expected to meet other troubled teens here, but the pupils are predictable for an English boarding school. There's Ash, the rugby team captain and the academy's most popular guy. Then there's Andrei, the moody guy with a bad attitude who takes pleasure in annoying me. And Jamie who's studious and friendly but intense. I thought I had the academy figured out: the mean girl, the quirky friend, the nerd, the emo, and the jock. But on the evening I swear allegiance to my new school house, everything spins out of control and I realise I'm dealing with more. Much more. One of us will die, and I know who. Term One is the first in this new upper YA/NA series of magic academy books. The main characters are eighteen and older and this is a slow burn RH. As the series is set at a school in England, the books are written in British English. Scroll up and preorder now to be one of the first to read this gripping new series filled with magic, mystery and romance from USA Today bestselling author LJ Swallow.

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Nightworld Academy: Term One


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Uma boa histórinha
on 17/11/21

Achei o livro bem legal, meio estilo harry potter: escola sobrenatural, alunos misteriosos, professores ainda mais misteriosos, protagonista que caiu nesse mundo sem saber as regras, briga de facções políticas dentro do mundo sobrenatural. Eu gostei bastante, mas eu senti que o final se arrastou um pouco. Vou ler o livro 2 quando eu tiver a oportunidade porque fiquei curiosa. ... leia mais


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