Night School

Night School Mari Mancusi


Night School

(Blood Coven, book 5)

Vampires, Slayers and...FAIRIES? Sunny and Rayne McDonald are about to get SCHOOLED.

After their parents' shocking revelation about their fae heritage and an attack on their lives, the McDonald twins find themselves on the run—forced to hide out at Riverdale Academy , a boarding school for vampire slayers, deep in the Swiss Alps. With no cells, no internet, and no way to contact their vampire boyfriends—the twins are on their own.

Being a vampire stuck in a school full of slayers isn't easy. Especially with no blood substitute stocked on campus. Soon Rayne finds herself succumbing to her bloodlust and losing control—especially around the arrogant, but devastatingly handsome Corbin Billingsworth the Third—who isn't sure whether he wants to kiss her...or kill her.

But when Sunny starts acting strange, Rayne realizes Riverdale Academy may be hiding some deadly secrets of its own—leading to a showdown in Fairyland that may cost the twins their lives.

Edições (2)

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Night School
Night School


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Em Night School a Mari Mancusi nos dá mais uma dose de sua série hilária, e devo confessar que dessa vez ela não se preocupou em fazer referências abertas a outros livros e séries de TV. Cada capítulo é motivo de mais e mais risadas, principalmente porque esse livro é narrado pela Rayne, e nós que acompanhamos a série sabemos o quanto nossa vampira caçadora de vampiros e irônica e sarcástica. No ultimo livro descobrimos que os pais de Rayne e Sunny são fadas, e que elas também. Agora ... leia mais


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ranking 26
ranking 33
ranking 28
ranking 11
ranking 2



Jessy Marques
cadastrou em:
02/07/2010 21:02:15

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