Night Moves

Night Moves Jonathan Kellerman


Night Moves

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER The master of the psychological thriller makes all the right moves in this new novel of spellbinding suspense. Even with all his years of experience, LAPD homicide detective Milo Sturgis knows there are crimes his skill and savvy cannot solve alone. Thats when he calls on brilliant psychologist Alex Delaware to read between the lines, where the darkest motives lurk. And if ever the good doctors insight is needed, its at the scene of a murder as baffling as it is brutal. Theres no spilled blood, no evidence of a struggle, and, thanks to the victims missing face and hands, no immediate means of identification. And no telling why the disfigured corpse of a stranger has appeared in an upscale L.A. familys home. Chet Corvin, his wife, and their two teenage children are certain the John Doe is unknown to them. Despite that, their cooperation seems guarded. And thats more than Milo and Alex can elicit from the Corvins creepy next-door neighbora notorious cartoonist with a warped sense of humor and a seriously antisocial attitude. As the investigation ensues, it becomes clear that this well-to-do suburban enclave has its share of curious eyes, suspicious minds, and loose lips. And as Milo tightens the screws on potential persons of interestand Alex tries to breach the barriers that guard their deepest secretsa strangling web of corrupted love, cold-blooded greed, and shattered trust is exposed. Though the grass may be greener on these privileged streets, theres enough dirt below the surface to bury a multitude of sins. Including the deadliest. Praise for Night Moves Exceptionally well-plotted . . . Newcomers will find this an easy entry point into this long-running series.Publishers Weekly (starred review) A taut, procedural thriller . . . One of the most tightly plotted, tightly written of the Alex Delaware series . . . a real puzzler . . . Fans of the long-running Delaware series will be thrilled with this one, and because each book functions just fine as a stand-alone, theres nothing keeping new readers from diving in.Booklist Jonathan Kellerman continues to amaze, dazzle, delight and entertain. . . . Night Moves is simply the best.Bookreporter

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04/03/2024 09:30:13

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