Niccolaio Andretti

Niccolaio Andretti Parker S. Huntington


Niccolaio Andretti (The Five Syndicates #2)

An Enemies-to-Lovers Mafia Romance

From Top 20 bestselling author Parker S. Huntington comes a steamy, slow-burn love story full of enemies-to-lovers banter and secret roommates.

He has a million-dollar bounty on his head. She's fighting for her sister.

Dating men for money isn't what most girls dream of doing when they grow up.

But after graduating from college, I can't seem to catch a break.
No job offers.
No place to live.
Not even a couch to dig for change under.

If I don't find a job and a place to live fast, there's no way I'll be able to adopt my little sister from foster care.
I'm desperate.
A little unhinged.
And dating a trust-fund baby twice my age for his money.

Who cares if we have no chemistry?
Who cares if I hate his hot, mysterious neighbor who pushes my buttons every chance he gets?
Who cares if his neighbor stares at me like he's picturing me in his bed?

Then, Mr. Money Bags dumps me.
I get shot at by strangers.
And the arrogant neighbor I loathe?
He. Saves. Me.

I should cut my losses and be grateful I'm still alive.
Instead, I do something crazy.
I blackmail him into letting me be his roommate.

Niccolaio Andretti is a 80,000-word standalone novel in The Five Syndicates mafia romance series.

Crime / Ficção / Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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Niccolaio Andretti


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Asher Black
Ranieri Andretti
Bastiano Romano
Renata Vitali

Resenhas para Niccolaio Andretti (19)

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on 28/4/21

Depois da, leitura do primeiro, do Asher, esperava muito mais. Beem mediano, pouco romance, pouco Hot, pouco tudo perto do primeiro... Faltou um pouco em tudo nesse livro. Se vc estava na dúvida de ler esse ou não, pode adiar a leitura e deixar pra qdo quiser ler algo rápido, sonso e fácil na temática máfia.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 117
ranking 16
ranking 38
ranking 39
ranking 6
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
11/07/2020 20:49:17
editou em:
29/05/2022 17:41:17

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