New Spring

New Spring Robert Jordan


New Spring (The Wheel of Time)

A Wheel of Time Prequel

The prequel novel to the globally bestselling Wheel of Time series - a fantasy phenomenon

The city of Canluum lies close to the scarred and desolate wastes of the Blight, a walled haven from the dangers away to the north, and a refuge from the ill works of those who serve the Dark One. Or so it is said. The city that greets Al'Lan Mandragoran, exiled king of Malkier and the finest swordsman of his generation, is instead one that is rife with rumour and the whisperings of Shadowspawn. Proof, should he have required it, that the Dark One grows powerful once more and that his minions are at work throughout the lands.

And yet it is within Canluum's walls that Lan will meet a woman who will shape his destiny. Moiraine is a young and powerful Aes Sedai who has journeyed to the city in search of a bondsman. She requires aid in a desperate quest to prove the truth of a vague and largely discredited prophecy - one that speaks of a means to turn back the shadow, and of a child who may be the dragon reborn.

Fantasia / Ficção / Línguas Estrangeiras / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (8)

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New Spring
New Spring
New Spring
New Spring


Resenhas para New Spring (37)

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?Só devemos render-nos quando estivermos mortos.?
on 24/11/21

Nova Primavera conta a história de Moiraine Damodred antes de se tornar Aes Sedai, de como Lan Mandragoran se torna seu Guardião e de tudo que os levou aos acontecimentos no Roda do Tempo Livro 1: O Olho do Mundo, 20 anos depois. Entendemos melhor a personalidade de Moiraine, seus sacrifícios, seu relacionamento com Siuan e Lan e sua perspectivas para o futuro que virá. ?Os fios que teciam eram vidas humanas e a trama que urdiam era muito mais importante do que qualquer fio individua... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 222
ranking 45
ranking 43
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05/10/2021 10:08:00
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05/10/2021 10:10:25

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