New Millennium Boyz

New Millennium Boyz Alex Kazemi


New Millennium Boyz

Brad Sela is living an apathetic suburban life in his affluent neighborhood until two new friends drag him down a destructive path toward self-discovery.

Freshly seventeen and entering his Y2K senior year, Brad is feeling fatigued by the cookie-cutter image his new-agey Oprah-loving mom and corporate-Boomer dad expect him to maintain. So, when the new transfer students, Lu and Shane, invite him out to the woods, he agrees to see what this Baphomet-worshipping goth kid and classic-rock stoner have to offer.

Soon, he's dealing with the delicate balance of a double life, forsaking old friends for his new ones, and secretly embarking on a journey of indulging his darkest impulses--even documenting some of their most dangerous and disturbing exploits on their Handycams. But as their hijinks increase and threaten to expose him, Brad is forced to reconcile who he really is or risk drowning in his downward spiral.

At turns hair-raising and harrowing, Alex Kazemi's thrilling debut novel is an unnerving examination of the collision of traditional masculinity, the early internet, and irresistible pop culture that shaped the turn of the century and transformed the way boys engage with the world. The bastard love child of Bret Easton Ellis and Gregg Araki, "New Millennium Boyz" presents an uncensored and unsettling portrait of the year 2000 that never could have aired on MTV.


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New Millennium Boyz


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Deliciosamente provocativo
on 12/4/24

Uau. Difícil encontrar palavras para resenhar a verdadeira porrada no estômago que é esta estreia na ficção do canadense Alex Kazemi. A história começa no verão americano de 1999. O protagonista, Brad Sela, é um adolescente de 17 anos, no último ano do Ensino Médio, que vive uma vida apática em um subúrbio de classe média alta no Oregon. Com os hormônios em ebulição, Brad passa o dia entre delírios onanísticos com celebridades, junk food e assistindo MTV. Mas é um bom aluno, prestes... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
03/04/2024 14:48:30
editou em:
03/04/2024 14:48:41

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