Needing The Memories

Needing The Memories Terri Anne Browning


Needing The Memories (The Rocker #13)

Happy Ever After doesn’t end at the Epilogue. The Epilogue is really only the beginning. For us, it’s meant sharing every high, every low, and loving each other even more when we come out the other side still standing. He’s everything I’ve always wanted. My best friend. My lover. My husband…

My Demon.
And I’m his Angel.

Our life hasn’t always been perfect, but to me as long as I get to wake up to Angel in my arms every morning and get to tuck our girls into bed at the end of each day I’ll be the happiest man in the world. Nothing can come between us, nothing can tear us apart.

Only…I have one regret. One that is still a black void in my head.

Every year it’s the same.

The regret.

The self-loathing for the man I was back then.

The anger that I’d taken something from the woman who has given herself to me so freely and being unable to remember a single second of it. This year it’s worse for me. It’s slowly driving me crazy.

Maybe it’s time to hit rewind and give us both a do over for that night.

Maybe what I really need is a memory to replace that empty blackness that is trying to swallow me whole.

Bonus The Rocker…Series companion in the back.

Erótico / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Needing The Memories


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Jessica A
cadastrou em:
02/10/2016 19:34:14
editou em:
05/12/2016 04:21:17

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