Navigating Early

Navigating Early Clare Vanderpool


Navigating Early

At the end of World War II, Jack Baker, a landlocked Kansas boy, is suddenly uprooted after his mother's death and placed in a boy's boarding school in Maine. There, Jack encounters Early Auden, the strangest of boys, who reads the number pi as a story and collects clippings about the sightings of a great black bear in the nearby mountains. Newcomer Jack feels lost yet can't help being drawn to Early, who won't believe what everyone accepts to be the truth about the Great Appalachian Bear, Timber Rattlesnakes, and the legendary school hero known as The Fish, who never returned from the war. When the boys find themselves unexpectedly alone at school, they embark on a quest on the Appalachian Trail in search of the great black bear. But what they are searching for is sometimes different from what they find. They will meet truly strange characters, each of whom figures into the pi story Early weaves as they travel, while discovering things they never realized about themselves and others in their lives.

Fantasia / Literatura Estrangeira / Aventura / Drama / Infantojuvenil

Edições (4)

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Em algum lugar nas estrelas
Em Algum Lugar nas Estrelas
Navigating Early


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Em Algum Lugar nas Estrelas conta a encantadora história de Jack Baker, um garoto que perde o direito de permanecer em sua cidade natal após a infeliz morte de sua querida mãe. O garoto é então enviado para a escola de meninos de Morton Hill, do outro lado do país. Jack se adapta rapidamente a escola, embora prefira viver anonimamente, sempre se afastando dos outros alunos. E continuaria assim se não fosse sua curiosidade por um misterioso aluno que raramente aparecia nas aulas de m... leia mais

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Avaliações 4.3 / 17.024
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cadastrou em:
18/06/2012 16:45:49
Nina - Não Quero Trocar Livros
editou em:
26/09/2017 14:42:38

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