Nanny For The Alien Warlord

Nanny For The Alien Warlord Athena Storm...


Nanny For The Alien Warlord (Intergalactic Fated Mates #5)

A SciFi Romance

I’ll do anything to save my kids. I’ll even be his servant.

In any other situation, I’d give this gorgeous warlord a piece of my mind.
Who does he think he is that I’d fall for that handsome face, those ripped abs, and lick-worthy muscles?

Yes, this warlord is the only thing protecting me and my two little kids from the tyrant looking to kill us.
And sure, ever since we crash landed in his kingdom, he’s taken care of us. Protected us. Looked after the kids and kept us safe.
If that means serving him, so be it. I’ll do anything he wants, as long as he continues to protect us.
But to then say that I’m his fated mate? And that he loves me?

Please. I may be a servant, but I don’t have to like it THAT much.
I am for sure going to find a way out of having to rely on him.
We are so not going to be a family I keep reminding myself.

But then...why is it that when he’s around, I’m not thinking of myself as his nanny. Or his servant. But rather as his…


Author's Note: This is a completely standalone novel set in the Athenaverse. Even if you've never come into the Athenaverse, you'll be able to enjoy this science fiction romance that has no cliffhangers or cheating and guaranteed happily ever after!

Fantasia / Ficção / Ficção científica / Sexo e Sexologia / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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Nanny For The Alien Warlord


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cadastrou em:
30/09/2022 15:05:10
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editou em:
30/09/2022 15:05:55

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